As a scrapper I'm sure you have done tons of layouts about your children, grandchildren, husband, friends or trips. But have you ever scrapped about yourself. It's a very hard thing to do.
I have been wanting to do a Book Of Me but never thought I would finally get around to it. This is an album about yourself, your childhood, teen years, favorite things, etc. There are a number of reason why I have thought about doing this
First would be that my father passed away when I was only 13 and had been sick for a few years before that so I never got to talk to him about his early life. I have been able over the years to talk to a few people who knew him and get bits of information but still I would have liked to have heard it from him.
My Mother lived until she was 78 but to her, her life was boring. She couldn't see why anyone would be interested in hearing about anything she might have done when she was a child, teen or her early married life. It was only shortly before she passed away that she told me a few stories, but I would have loved to have heard many more.
I have been researching my family tree since shortly after my fathers passing and have been able to get some stories about my Great Grandparents and my Grandparents coming to Canada. I cherish those stories and love to scrap about them. If you would like to see a layout I did about my Great Grandmother you can find it
here and my Great Grandfather's is
here. Being able to tell something about there life makes them so much more real to me.
So when I came across some information a while back about doing a Book of Me I thought it was something I would like to do. It's not because I have had a real interesting life either because I haven't. It's so that my children and grandchildren will get to know a little about me. I don't want them later on wondering about the things I loved or hated, things I did as a kid, what class was my favorite in school or any of that. I want them to know all about me just in case I'm not around when they're ready to ask questions
So all that being said I finally got around to doing a couple of layouts about me. Both of them I did for challenges over at
Let's Scrap The first one is my introduction page for my book. It's called Pieces Of Me and I used jigsaw puzzle piece shapes to cut out pictures of myself from very young to now (getting old lol) I also listed a few of the roles I have. I have put several butterflies on the layout because they have special meaning to me and I used pink as the main color because it is my favorite color. I had a few extra pictures so added them in as well but not real pleased with their placement so may change them around a bit before I put the pages in my album. The poem I found quite a while back and have no idea where. I have tried to find out who wrote it but have not had any luck finding it again. So if you recognize it please let me know so I can five credit to who ever wrote it. So here it is

The next layout also has pictures of me and I'm doing my favorite thing - Scrapbooking at a crop at my LSS - Memory Lane. Because I was so busy doing a bunch of challenges I didn't get around to doing the second page but will get at it when things settle down some. Part of the challenge was to put a quote on the page. I used "Scrapbooking is a work of heart". Which I am sure is true for all of us that scrap. If you take a close look you will see one of Cheri's, from Let's Scrap, fantastic sketches in front of me.

So now I have a start on my Book of Me album. Hopefully I will get a chance to do more pages soon. I have so many things I want to scrap about and I want to work some more on my Heritage album so I guess I better end this long blog entry and get back to scrapping.
I hope you are all having a fantastic weekend, Happy Scrapping.
Labels: Book Of Me, heritage, scrap challenges